Video Game News
Sony’s ‘Michael’ ad brings together gaming heroes
Live-action video game characters celebrate gamers in new ad spot.

We’ve got some new details surrounding the amazing “Michael” ad that Sony released celebrating video game characters. If you missed the ad, you should definitely watch it, as it features over twenty different video game references and they’re all charming and extremely well done.
While Sony characters like Nathan Drake, Sweet Tooth, and Sack Boy were well represented in the ad, characters from third party games also made an appearance. Characters like Chell, Snake, and even Ezio were all featured. “We got all of the developers on board,” said Jason Elm, the executive creator director at Deutsch. “They helped us, giving us costumes they had, or giving us digital assets we used to create the weapons.”
“There was a little bit of reticence at first, but because people liked the idea so much, they trusted us,” said Elm. “Sometimes we had to beg a little, and sometimes they were right on board.”
Overall it took Deutsh and Sony five months to create the spot, working together with 15 publishers. “No one has ever done a spot with multiple characters from many different games. No one has ever done anything with all those characters in one commercial, especially live action,” said Elm. “There was a lot of head scratching about whether we would be able to pull this off. We didn’t want this to feel like a costume party.”
In the end it seemed that Elm really understood why gamers would love the ad so much, saying, “”We wanted to make something that really demonstrated what it’s like to play games and why gaming is so amazing. We want them to say, ‘Yes! That’s how I feel.’
Source: Fast Company